Friday, August 10, 2012


     We finally made it to Cambridge – one plane ride to Heathrow, one underground train ride to King’s Cross, and one railroad train ride to Cambridge later – and I am so very glad we only had to cart around our carryons and personal bags.  However, ever since we arrived at Cambridge, I haven’t been able to pick up my jaw from the ground.  This is the most stunningly beautiful campus I have ever seen!  It is 800 years old and the only word I can use to describe it is “astonishing!”  I will be taking more photos over the next few days and uploading them, but for now, these few photos will merely give you a tiny peek at Cambridge’s grandeur.  Mark swears even our dorm room is 800 years old!

This is our dorm, Memorial Court, in Room V-20

Punting on the Cam

More punting on the Cam with King's College in the background

Walking towards Memorial Court

Mark and Carole, who is his Student Advisor on this trip

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, imagine sleeping in an 800 year old room. The pictures are spectacular. Ita you have a good handle on the camera. Glad that it's still cool there. We're in the 100s for the next week so far. Mark, you probably already know but the Niners won their preseason opener against the Vikings 17 to 6. Now if they keep this pace up we may be celebrating SuperBowl. England is certainly a lovely place. Hugs and kisses,
