Saturday, August 11, 2012

In Cambridge

Morning in Cambridge with Kings College in the background

     Carole joined us this Saturday morning for breakfast at the “buttery”, which is in Memorial Court near Mark’s classroom at Latimer Room.  After breakfast, the three of us took a long walk through Cambridge – we figured out that unlike Davis, UCLA and Berkeley, Cambridge and the town of Cambridge are intertwined, with colleges, museums, and administrative offices mixed with shops, restaurants and stores.  This afternoon, Mark and Carole greeted their incoming (well-traveled and tired) UCD students.  Tomorrow, we meet after breakfast for a two-hour tour of Cambridge.  Today was beautiful – clouds, sun, breezes, and comfortable temps.  Enjoy the photos!

Senate House and Old Schools Building

Just beyond that black metal gate, we hang a left and
walk down a cobblestone alley on our long way back to our dorms

Gonville & Caius, circa 1348

St. Mary's, circa 1205 - next photo is the rest of St. Mary's

The top of St. Mary's
Door within a door

The "Eagle" pub where Watson & Crick burst in
with their news about the double helix discovery!

Latimer Room - Mark's classroom in Memorial Court
Note the short door!

The top of this building has a solar face clock on all sides

One of the science museums in town

1 comment:

  1. When you realize that St. Mary's is older than the Magna Carta it's mind boggling that it's still standing and looks to be in great shape. I hope that some of our buildings here will be able to stand that test of time. Love the short door to your classroom, Mark. When you realize that folks were quite short back then being taller today is a testament to our healthy evolving status. Now, if we could just get a handle on the obesity problem.

