Sunday, August 12, 2012

School is in Session!

Mark's class begins Monday morning at 9:10 a.m. Here are photos of the students in front of the double-helix sculpture on the beautiful lawn in front of Memorial Court facade and the classroom at the Latimer Room in Old Court.  I've also included photos of the four sides of Old Court, one of hundreds of "courts" in Cambridge.

The class is right inside that door


  1. Mark looks very much at home behind the lecturn in his classroom. Again great photos. What are you doing while Mark is teaching? Had Jana, John and Lincoln over for dinner yesterday. Nick couldn't make it he's still dealing with orientation. Next Sunday Jana is doing dinner. Lincoln is really getting to be a good communicator. Not as good as Jana was at that one was....but he makes himself be understood and he's more and more articluate everytime I see him. He misses you guys and do we all.
