Sunday, August 19, 2012

We go to London to visit the Queen . . . .

    We're getting the English train schedules down pretty well -- even found Harry Potter's Platform 9-3/4 at King's Cross as we made our way into London.  We walked through Green Park to Buckingham Palace and then walked further on to Westminster Abbey.

The gates leading to Buckingham Palace from Green Park

Buckingham Palace - security blocked off everyone at the gates

Queen Victoria Monument

Heading to Westminster Abbey
No photos permitted inside during our tour - so we bought a book with photos.

1 comment:

  1. What gorgeous buildings. What! You weren't able to get thru Platform 9 3/4 for Hogwart School of Magik!! Ha! Going on that Ferris wheel really gives you a great view. The pictures were just great. I had a feeling that Samuel Johnson would have been at home but a bit disconserted at all the new buildings. This is really a trip of a lifetime. I'm so glad you got to chance to go. Hope you got my e-mail regarding your trees.
    Love you both.
