Sunday, August 19, 2012

Eye Spy the Parliment and Big Ben

     After visiting Westminister in the first part of the day, we decided to ride the London Eye later in the afternoon and we were able to take some nice pictures of London from this vantage point.  Afterwards, we walked over Parliment Bridge towards the Parliment and Big Ben . . . the weather was hot and humid!  One thing I can say, London was very crowded with visitors this day.

The London Eye is a slow moving ferris wheel
that allows you to enjoy a view of London like nothing else can!

Walking over the Thames River on Parliment Bridge


Big Ben

1 comment:

  1. Ita: So glad your daughter was able to set up this blog. I'm really enjoying living vicariously through you. The "Eye" was not yet built when I was in London in 1974. Awesome views. -- Dianne Schaumburg
