Saturday, August 4, 2012

The night before our flight

All packed and ready to go.  Dublin, Cambridge, Stockholm, Vienna & Brno here we come!
Yes, just the two bags!


  1. So what I really want to know is are you still planning on taking one carry on bag and nothing else?? Have fun!!

  2. SOS! Come back to LIS ASAP!!! - I'm kidding... Just testing out the warning signals :). Have a fabulous trip! Can't wait for updates!

  3. And visit an event or two at the Olympics!!!!

  4. Grogerty's looks like a very colorful place. How was dinner? Those are great pictures. You both look like you're enjoying yourselves. I see Ireland has brought out the poet in you, Ita. Will you be going outside of Dublin? Perhaps Blarny castle? If so give the stone an extra kiss from me. Looking forward to your next blog.
    love and hugs

