Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Close to mid-term Friday!

     It's so hard to believe that two weeks have nearly gone by in Cambridge!  This Friday, Mark gives a mid-term exam, then on Saturday we fly to Stockholm.  The students are studying hard for the exam and they listened to another guest lecturer yesterday, Dr. Nick Robinson, from the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Cambridge.  Tonight, we all went out for a group dinner at a local Italian restaurant.  Here are a few photos of the students in class, the guest speaker, and our dinner out.

Studying, sharing, studying . . . .

Dr. Nick Robinson lectures the class on "extremophiles"
Afterwards, students line up to ask questions . . .

Tonight, we took a nice long walk to La Margherita,
a very good Italian Restaurant in Cambridge

. . . after dinner, it's back to the books!

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