Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Clare College Gardens

     There are two beautiful gardens at Clare College -- there are other beautiful gardens, but for now, let's focus on the "Scholars Garden" and the "Fellows Garden".  The Scholars Garden is a  colorful venue for weddings overlooking the Cam.  When it is not in use for a wedding venue, it is open to the public. The Fellows Garden used to be restricted, only permitting teachers and tutors to enter and bask in the serenity and opportunity for thoughtful considerations. Thankfully, the public is now permitted access.

At one end of the bridge over the Cam, is the Scholars Garden

Walk through the gates, with the river on your right . . .

and you will be rewarded with a beautiful garden, perfect for weddings!

Fellows Garden: 
If you cross the bridge, there is another garden gate
leading to another, bigger garden . . .

that begins with a stone circular staircase

which leads to vast gardens on all sides!

But wait!  What is through this path?

A sereneity pool, more flowers, trees, and lawns!

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful gardens. Must be fun just to mow the lawns. The pictures are just great. I've always heard about those beautiful English gardens now I know what they mean. You are having a great time. We're having the beginning of a cooling trend after over 100 temps for over a week.
    Stay cool,
