Monday, August 6, 2012

We Land in the UK

After sitting in Sacramento an extra two hours and finally flying out of SF for a 10 hour, flight we landed in London 7 a.m. UK time, Monday, where we got ourselves lost inside Heathrow (we had time for this adventure) and caught our plane to Dublin!  Everything is lush and green here because they are experiencing record rainfall this year (something like 165% of normal).  We're staying at the Gibson Hotel, which seems to be brand spanking new, with a very modern style and clean lines.  Tomorrow, we will visit Dublin all day.  Later in the week we plan to visit Waterford and other small villages by train. I will be posting pictures!
P.S.: Jana and Allison, I took a picture of the Jelly Belly display at one of the duty-free shops at Heathrow!  It was a surprise to see it competing for space along with Will & Kate and the Queen's Jubilee dishes and biscuits.  I will try to post it too.


  1. Hi Guys, this is fun. I'm enjoying your comments. Last night Nick showed me on his phone where your plane was (over the Hudson in Canada)and he showed me how to do it on my phone. What a long trip that was. I hope you are getting rest and that you are enjoying yourselves. Remember, I accept packages and promise not to peek.
    Love you both,

  2. Fabulous pictures, Ita! Keep us updated on the Jelly Belly sightings :)
