Thursday, August 16, 2012

Meals in Cambridge

     We have been beginning our days at the "buttery" - another word for cafeteria - followed by tea at 10 in the Great Hall, lunch at 12:30 in the Great Hall, tea again at 3 pm in the Great Hall, and dinner either in the Great Hall or in the buttery.  We have enjoyed our meals so far -- they offer a variety of different menu choices, which is a good thing since they have to serve quite a diverse population of people from all over the world.
     To get to the buttery, you have to climb down brick stairs through a narrow passage, walk through an underground bar area, and then into a modern cafeteria area.  Below, are photos of our trip down to the buttery, along with tea and main meals in the Great Hall.

Welcome to the buttery . . .


Welcome to the Great Hall

Tea and coffee with cookies

Table set for lunch or dinner

Surrounding our tables from above, you can see
some of the portraits, stain glass windows that
have coats of arms, beautiful large chandeliers,
and wood carvings. The coat of arms on the wood
carving above belongs to Clare College

I believe we could get used to this . . .

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